Category Management - Enterprise Data Integration TechnologyCM-EDIT is a 32 bit, Y2K Compliant, Data Cleanser / Integrator / Analyzer for total Enterprise Data. Based on Microsoft’s Visual FoxPro, CM-EDIT will continue to run all custom functions in all existing InterData client applications. It will continue to directly interface with all industry leading products: InterCept, InterSpace, and InterSection as well as importing and exporting SpaceMan and Apollo data. This new product, CM-EDIT, will have base functionality equivalent to the 16 bit InterData, while gaining the 32-bit speed and the reliability of Microsoft’s Visual FoxPro. It requires Win95/98 or NT with a minimum of 16MB, with 32MB recommended. KD Associates will continue to work closely with the industry leaders, to assure seamless data integration with their products. Design of our products is based on our belief that rapid response to the changes inherent in our industry is a key element in the foundation of a successful Category Management strategy. This is reflected in the ease of adding fields, increasing field sizes, and even adding tables to the database through our data administer. Powerful data editing and auditing and cleansing functions allow quick reclassifications to products and locations. Ongoing enhancements for new data imports, data aggregations, and reports are expected and can be handled by the user, or immediately by our consultants via PC Anywhere, Carbon Copy, etc. Positioned as “The First Step towards Total Category Management”, CM-EDIT will fill the gap that all systems acknowledge will be required even if clients desire to implement their vision of Category Management. The
CM-Edit is the Data Warehouse for all Category Management Data. The data is stored in the most efficient db known – Microsoft’s Visual FoxPro dbc. This is a multi-dimensional relational database. Key data is preloaded for additional speed. CM-Edit handles the variety of issues facing space and category managers that make factual analysis so labor intensive. A big problem solved with the use of CM_Edit is dirty data. Even in analyzing the current active product table, we almost always encounter multiple spellings of the same data in the same field. This gets worse as each new data source is entered into the equation, such as: Planogram data, Gladson data, mainframe data, Nielsen data, etc. Our data-cleansing routines use sophisticated customized algorithms and techniques, that are utilized during and after current and/or legacy data has been loaded. We can scan any field for all unique entries, and allow easily translation of all variants (e.g. M & M, M&M, M and M, M & M Mars, etc.) into one name, if desired. Only once this is accomplished, can the data be effectively analyzed. Initial cleansing will be performed and routines set up by our consultants. Easy to use general purpose routines can be utilized at any time by the user. Data that is repetitively imported will have the cleansing built-in to the process where possible. CM-EDIT’s Task Management feature enables you to automate many functions such as weekly movement import as the files become available, auto-update or import of planograms, and it allows you to establish exception notification rules such as for product sales and locations changes. CM-EDIT’s Image Manager compiles all images from all mounted or removable sources, relates them to the complete product table, and reports on missing images by planogram or overall, and obsolete images to delete. We also allow packaging of images with product information by planogram or new/changed date.
FoxPro Consulting * VFP Consulting * Retail Shelf Space Optimization * Los Angeles California |
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